Saturday, February 23, 2019

From The Mouths of Babes

Or teenagers, at least.

Thing One’s club soccer team played a tournament in Las Vegas last weekend, and he and I made the trip together.  My parents were able to meet us there, but the rest of my immediate family had to stay home because the other kids had sports and birthday parties and such going on.  Thing One has never been to Vegas before, so the whole experience was mind-blowing for him.  We took him to a Cirque de Soleil show and the Hoover Dam while we were out there (kind of like making sure he got to see Niagara Falls when they played in upstate NY last year), but what made the strongest impression on him was the Luxor, the casino in which our team was staying.  He was absolutely fascinated by the slot machines, the haze of cigarette smoke hanging in the air, the people who were visibly drunk at 9 o’clock on Sunday morning while gambling, the clouds of pot everywhere, and the signs on the Strip and in the casino regarding all manner of sex-related stuff.

As he put it, “This building represents everything that’s wrong with America.”

Pretty funny that that was his summary, but I guess it beats him deciding that UNLV is now at the top of his college choice list!

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