Saturday, August 24, 2013

Things That Make Me Cry

As we all know, Thing Two is still working on the whole social thing, and sometimes stands too close, hugs too often, all that fun stuff that bothers a few of his classmates.  One particular classmate, however, is really, really patient with him and actually seems to enjoy his company.  This boy invited Thing Two to his house for his first ever 'real' playdate the week before last ('real' being defined by my son as me dropping him off, not staying) and it apparently went very well.  I was a wreck for the whole three hours, but the other mom said that he used his manners, played nicely, didn't insist on having his own way all the time, and even did a good job of including the friend's two younger brothers in their play.

Got a text two days ago from the same mother.  The boys' school sent home optional summer workbooks this year for skill retention (which were mandatory in my house!) and one lesson in Thing Two's workbook required the kids to write a paragraph about their best friend.  Attached to the text in question was a picture of this lesson page from her son's workbook, in which he had described Thing Two as his best friend.  My boy is officially, in writing (!!) no longer the friendless kid off in the corner by himself because he doesn't understand what's going on, and this brought me to tears.

Progress, my friends.  Making progress.




  1. That Mom sounds like she knows a lot about being a friend... how thoughtful of her! Such good news.

  2. She is a good friend, Joan. Probably not a coincidence that her son is too! They are good people.


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