Sunday, August 5, 2012

I Am Petty. And Stubborn.

I really, really don't like to be forced to do anything.  It gets my back up in a big way.

Even if the issue is very small. 

Case in point: movies on DVD.  Which invariably have the screen with all the copyright protection notices and warnings in with the trailers before the movie starts.  The screen that you cannot fast forward through even though it is shown at the beginning of every DVD ever made and you are royally sick of seeing it.  The one that makes you (or at least me) want to make a thousand copies of the disc and sell them out of pure perversity.

I look away when one of those notices comes on now.  They can put it on the DVD, but they can't make me read it.

"I had that stubborn streak, the Irish in me I guess."
Gregory Peck

1 comment:

  1. I am the same. Show me a rule and I will want to break it even if I've never thought of it before.


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