Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Frankenstorm Cometh

Doesn't look good for the Mid-Atlantic and large chunks of the East Coast area in general.  I have lots of friends and family in Sandy's sights, including my brother, who lives on Long Island Sound.  Would appreciate any good thoughts/prayers/vibes/whatever you feel comfortable with on their behalf going into tomorrow and Tuesday.

A quiet afternoon here.  Dull and gloomy outside, and a mood to match.  I'm going to turn on all the lights and curl up under the blanket my aunt crocheted for me with a good book and a cup of tea.  Bacon-wrapped filet mignon and baked potatoes are on the menu for dinner...that will help too!

UPDATE: Just got word that my brother's family has been evacuated.  :(

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a lovely way to spend a gloomy day (especially the good book and the bacon-wrapped filet). Hope the storm is kind to your loved ones.


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